Know more. Achieve more
Allianz Center for Technology (AZT) has dealt with risks and its effects for over 85 years. Since 2011 the AZT signs with the firm name Allianz Risk Consulting GmbH. Today we are a renowned institution with unique skill in damage investigation and damage prevention and the leading consulting company of the Allianz Group for safety, risk and technology.
Interdisciplinary collaboration is our special strength. AZT’s different scientists and engineers work together closely. Complicated causes and effect chains demand complex solution strategies – we solve this quickly using our teams of experts. With the aid of the latest laboratory equipment we are able to conduct numerous investigations simultaneously. With a vast accumulation of experience and new findings in different technologies every day our knowledge base steadily grows around the three-way interaction of “Technology – Risk – Safety”. Our skill in damage analysis and prevention, machine and plant safety and technical and risk consulting makes AZT is a unique institute in the financial and insurance world.